

Media and Sermons


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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
04/28/24 The Resurrection of Christ By Many Proofs Bill Miller Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-28-24_Bill_Miller.mp3
04/24/24 Going To All The World: Ethiopia Randy Harshbarger Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 04-24-24_Egyption_Trip.mp3
04/23/24 The Nature of Christ Randy Harshbarger Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 04-23-24_nature_of_Christ.mp3
04/22/24 Paul's Resume` Randy Harshbarger Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 04-22-24_Pauls_Resume.mp3
04/21/24 Fellowship in the Gospel Randy Harshbarger Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 04-21-24Fellowship_in_the_Gospel_.mp3
04/21/24 Yesterday, Today and Forever Randy Harshbarger Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 04-21-24_Yesterday_Today_and_Forever_.mp3
04/21/24 Working Out Your Salvation Randy Harshbarger Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 04-21-24_Working_Out_Your_Salvation_.mp3
04/14/24 Fighting the Good Fight Ron Peck Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-14-24_Fighting_the_Good_Fight.mp3
04/14/24 Psalm 23 Darrin Rawson Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-14-24_Psalm_23.mp3
04/07/24 WHEN MEN DO AS THEY PLEASE Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-07-24_SermonsWhen_Men_Do_as_they_please.mp3
04/07/24 LESSONS FROM SODOM Bill Miller Sermon N/A Sun AM 04-07-24_SermonsLessons_from_Sodom.mp3
03/31/24 If Jesus Was Who He Said He Was, Then God Exists Bill Miller Sermon N/A Sun AM 03-31-24_Bill_Miller.mp3
03/31/24 THE MESSAGE OF SALVATION Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 03-31-24_Jim_Stuaffer.mp3
03/24/24 REASONING FROM THE SCRIPTURES Bill Miller Sermon N/A Sun AM 03-24-24_Bill_MillerReasoning_From_the_Scriptures.mp3
03/24/24 THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT Mike McLoud Sermon N/A Sun AM 03-24-24_Mike_McCloud_The_Devil_Made_Me_Do_It.mp3
03/17/24 The Whole Counsel of God Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Jim_03-17-24The_Whole_Counsel_of_God.mp3
03/17/24 Temptation Darrin Rawson Sermon N/A Sun AM Sunday_Darrin_0317-24_Temptation.mp3
03/10/24 A NEW NAME: CHRISTIAN Bill Miller Sermon N/A Sun AM 03-10-24_AM_A_NEW_NAME_CHRISTIAN.mp3
03/10/24 A CONTRAST: TRUTH VS. ERROR Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 03-10-24_AM.A_CONTRAST-_TRUTH_VS._ERRORmp3.mp3
03/03/24 A STRONG CHURCH Jim Stauffer Sermon N/A Sun AM 03-03-24_AM_A_Strong_Church.mp3

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